music [at] alispagnola [dot] com
Mobile Devices        

Android Sound Design


Robots for Everyone


Radiation by Spagnola

The complete suite of ringtones, alarms, alerts and UI sounds shipped on the Galaxy Nexus Google phone

Examples: Copernicum, Neptunium, Lalande, Mira, Upsilon, UrsaMinor, Lyra, Vespa, Camera Click, Low Battery, NFC Success, Unlock, Video Stop

  Android default rintone
Shipped standard on Google phones including Nexus S, Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 4
  Android default ringtone
Shipped standard on Google phones including Galaxy Nexus, Nexus S, Droid, MyTouch 3G and Google Phone G2

Spagnola Radiation / Radiation Orchestration

Android default rintone
Shipped standard on Google phones including Nexus S, Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 4
Video Games        

Double Detention
Playful, School themed


80's rock


Would You Rather. . . ?

Intro menu
Double Detention track one
Double Detention track two
Boss level
Win sound effect
Lose sound effect
  Rocketboy video game trailer
Rocketboy in-game track
  The Stick Puppet Rag

Game Promo
Quirky, 8-bit


Dungeons and Dragons Voter
Epic, march


Orange Orchard
Playful, Farm, Country

GameBro   Journey to the Dragon   Orange Orchard in-game track
Dream sequence

Beachball Bonanza
Surf rock


Cement Tower
Calming, Puzzle-game music


PAX Pulse
Game show themed

Beach Ball Free-for-All   Cement Tower level one
Cement Tower level two
Cement Tower level three
Cement Tower level four
Cement Tower level five
Cement Tower level six
Cement Tower level seven
Cement Tower level eight
  Door Number One

Robot Destruction
Dark, march


Block Knock
Space travel, Relaxing, Puzzle-game

Robot Destruction in-game track
  Block Knock intro and in-game track    

Robots for Everyone




Evil Genius Designs


Get in Line Promo


Tin Can Games Promo


Flying Penguin

Personal Work        

The Ego


The Power Hour Album


Free of Style

Electronic/Pop EP   Combination album and interactive game including 60 one-minute songs in a wide range of styles   Album of 15 dance tracks for Free of Style Pittsburgh Dance Convention

Various Tracks

Too Much for You: Written for European electro/pop musician

Pirates Win Song: Written to be played after a baseball home game win

Kegis and Relly: Opening theme for a morning show

Tahler the Solver: Personal theme song for Evan Tahler

Star Wars Radiation: The Imperial March composed of warped cell phone interference sound

Ali's Main Website | Contact: music [at] alispagnola [dot] com